GUN/CASH RAFFLE TIME! We are starting our next gun/cash raffle. 1st place will be a Rock River Arms Rifle Model LAR-15-A2! 2nd Place $100.00 cash and 3rd Place $50.00 cash. Tickets are 1 for $10 or 3 for $25. Only 500 tickets are being sold so get yours now(I don’t think they will last long.)The drawing will be held at our Member Appreciation Banquet on August 25, 2018(stay tuned for more information on the banquet). Get ahold of me(message, text, call) or get ahold of someone on the board and we will get tickets to you! You’ll be able to check out the full details soon on our webpage. Thanks again for all of your support!!! #rockriverrocks
president@qugancic.com <president@qugancic.com>;North Central Illini Quail and Upland Game Alliance