The Quail and Upland game Alliance will donate the following banquet package to new and existing chapters who hold a QUGA Fundraising and Membership Banquet.
Banquet Package:
- Webley & Scott 20 ga. over/under shotgun with case MSRP $1,375 (or equivalent gun)
- Henry Golden Boy 22 Long Rifle
- $250.00 to help pay banquet facility rent
- $250.00 to apply to the advertising expenses
- Terry Redlin signed/ numbered framed print
- Quail Unlimited framed print (Redlin)
- 2 – $100.00 gift certificates from Roundstone Seed for prairie grass
- Banquet fundraiser vendor list with contact information
- The Sandy Run Hunt Club-Bluff City, IL. – 2 person 16 quail and 2 pheasants ½ day hunt.
- 5 QUGA Habitat Vinyl Signs
- 20 Food Plot Seed Bags from QUGA Sesser Warehouse
- 6 Bottles of Hopewell Winery Quail Logo Wine
- 2 Camouflage Duffle bags
- QUGA cut out metal “Welcome Sign”
- Trail Camera
- QUGA Hats for Members attending Banquets
- Exodus Trail Cam
- Turkey Tail Fan
- Yeti Cooler